

Jiangmen Renke Oasis Paper and Baosuo Enterprise Group successfully signed the No. 2 Baotuo paper machine


Jiangmen Renke Oasis Paper and Baosuo Enterprise Group successfully signed the No. 2 Baotuo paper machine

Recently, the signing ceremony of Jiangmen Renke Oasis Paper No. 2 paper machine was successfully held in Jiangmen Xinhui. The contract is for a Baotuo Crescent Former Paper Machine, model BC1300-2850, provided by Baosuo Enterprise Group. It mainly produces high-end business paper and functional tissue paper. This paper machine is one of the main models of Baotuo paper machine, with the characteristics of mature and stable products, low production energy consumption, and excellent paper quality.

tissue paper

Jiangmen Renke Oasis Paper is located in Guangdong Yinzhouhu Paper Base, Shuangshui Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. The company owns the main brand "Yinzhou Lake" and the two sub-brands "Hexian"; and "Zhenzhi". The products cover more than 100 varieties or specifications in seven series, including toilet rolls, boxed/soft facial tissues, handkerchiefs, napkins, hand towels and kitchen towels.

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