

Nanbao Paper and Baosuo Enterprise Group once again cooperated and signed the second Baotuo paper machine


Nanbao Paper and Baosuo Enterprise Group once again cooperated and signed the second Baotuo paper machine

At the beginning of the new year, Baosuo Enterprise Group and Guangning Nanbao Paper once again worked together to sign a Baotuo high-speed crescent former paper machine, model BC1600-2850.

paper machine

This paper machine has a design speed of 1600m/min and a width of 2850mm. It is the high-end model currently promoted by Baotuo. Baotuo's series of innovative technology products will be applied to the above, and the scope of supply also covers the overall turnkey project of pulp preparation and paper machine.

It is reported that the previous signed PM#1 is Baotuo SF10-900 Suction Former Paper Machine. It has been in operation for nearly two and a half years, and the equipment is stable and reliable. Its products have been widely recognized by the market for their good quality, and have been in continuous high demand.

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